Monday, March 24, 2025

Raise High the Cross

We're delighted to see the simple wooden cross raised again outside our church building, and the flowers planted at its base that hint at the return of Easter! Please note that we will be celebrating Easter this year with our friends at Walnut Presbyterian, but continue to meet on 1st, 2nd, and 4th Sundays at the Early College while our building is being reconstructed. 

Thanks, Jake, for your woodworking skills, and Jim and Nancy, for your sponsorship of our new cross.

Monday, February 17, 2025

We Keep Us Safe

For all who are reeling in fear and uncertainty right now, a statement by More Light Presbyterians gives hope and shines the light of truth as a beacon in a dark night: 

Hateful people want nothing more than to see you feeling hopeless and abandoned—but we promise you, there will always be people in your corner ready to protect you with our lives. We will not leave you to fight alone, no matter how dire things get. Cling to your community, nurture your spirit however you can, and remember: Politicians were never going to save us. We keep us safe, trusting in the love and solidarity of the One who created each of us with purpose and delight (Genesis 1:31; Psalm 139:14).

Monday, January 27, 2025

What's Next? A Reconstruction Discussion

We're grateful to Laura Jeffords of the Mediation Center who donated her time to our church community for a thoughtful discussion on our building reconstruction. This is a long process, but our goal is to make the church building more useful to more people! To do this, we opened the conversation up to community members who broadened our ideas about where they see community needs. We'll talk more about this as time passes, but for now just a few pictures of the gathered community. (And a big thank you to Joel Friedman and Zuma's for the coffee and lemon squares!)

Friday, January 17, 2025

MLK Events in Mars Hill


Two special community events will be held in Mars Hill this weekend to celebrate the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.:

  • Sunday, January 19 4:00-6:00 Special Music happening at Mt. Olive Baptist Church
  • Monday, January 20 8:00-9:30 MLK Breakfast Celebration Pittman Dining Hall at Mars Hill University

Saturday, January 11, 2025

January 12 Service Canceled

Out of an abundance of caution, we've decided to cancel worship services on Sunday, January 12, and to postpone the discussion regarding the church's reconstruction. The discussion is now scheduled to happen on Sunday January 26 at 1:00 following worship that morning. 

This message will also be sent by telephone and email. If you are concerned that someone may not hear about the cancellation/postponement, please contact that person directly. We hate to cancel scheduled activities in case someone makes the effort only to find doors closed! However, in some situations, cancellations seem necessary. If you need pastoral support during this time, please let us know.

We hope you will stay safe, warm, and join us at Walnut Presbyterian next Sunday for our 3rd Sunday worship and fellowship with that congregation.