Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sunday Worship online, March 29

The outbreak and spread of the Coronavirus illness has brought many adjustments to our daily lives.

Marshall Presbyterian Church is searching for ways to share the love of Christ with the world in these times.

Respecting CDC guidelines, we are not able to meet in person to worship and fellowship.  But our church is still yearning to worship and to serve our community.

So, on March 29 we again worship together from our own homes using the link below. Join together in spirit and bring hope and encouragement to each other.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Worshiping together March 22, 2020

The outbreak and spread of the Coronavirus illness has brought many adjustments to our daily lives.

Marshall Presbyterian Church is searching for ways to share the love of Christ with the world in these times.

Respecting CDC guidelines, we are not able to meet in person to worship and fellowship.  But our church is still yearning to worship and to serve our community.

So, on March 22 we will worship together from our own homes using the link below. Join together in spirit and bring hope and encouragement to each other.