- Marshall Presbyterian Church; Marshall, NC
Marshall Presbyterian ChurchOctober 24, 2021, 30th Sunday in Ordinary TimeCarol Ann West, PianistNancy Vest, LiturgistDr. James M. Vest, Guest SpeakerA Celebration of ReformationREFORMATA SEMPER REFORMANDAASSEMBLING IN GOD’S NAMEPRELUDEWELCOME “Salut!” “Gruß Gott!”* CALL TO WORSHIP (based on Psalms 34 and 46)One:God is our refuge and our strength.All:A very present help in times of trouble.One:Even when things seem to fall apart,All:there is no reason to fear!One: Happy are those who take refuge in God.All:Let us exalt his name together.* OPENING PRAYER* HYMN#450 Be Thou my VisionCALL TO CONFESSIONUNISON PRAYER OF CONFESSIONGod of compassion, we have exalted ourselves rather than you. We have turned a blind eye to those in need, instead of helping them see your limitless love. Rescue us from our sins, O God. Forgive us. Heal us, and help us to better follow you. …. (silent prayers of confession) … We call upon you, for you are near, O God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.* ASSURANCE OF PARDONOne: Know that the Perfect One, the Son of God, the High Priest of Grace, will forgive. As we are loved and forgiven by God, may others see God in us,All: Thanks be to God. Amen!* GLORIA PATRI* PASSING THE PEACESPECIAL MUSIC: Purple Hymnal #275 A Mighty Fortress is Our GodHEARING AND RESPONDING TO GOD’S WORDPRAYER FOR ILLUMINATIONTHE SCRIPTURESOld Testament: Job 42:1-6, 10-17Epistle: Hebrews 7:22-28Gospel: Mark 10:46-52MESSAGE “Now I See!”Dr. James M. Vest* AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (from The Belhar Confession, South Africa, 1986)We believe in the triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who gathers, protects, and cares for the church through Word and Spirit. This, God has done since the beginning of the world and will do to the end. We believe in one holy, universal Christian church, the communion of saints called from the entire human family . . .We believe that Christ’s work of reconciliation is mademanifest in the church … [and] that God has entrusted the church with the message of reconciliation throughJesus Christ. [Amen].* HYMN Open My Eyes, That I May SeeSHARING JOYS AND CONCERNS (See bulletin insert)PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLESHARING THE GIFTS OF GODOFFERTORY*DOXOLOGY (ca. 1500s)*PRAYER OF DEDICATION AND THANKSGIVINGWe thank you, God, for providing these gifts, as we dedicate them and our lives as expressions of your love for the world. In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.GOING FORTH IN GOD’S NAME* HYMN #232 God Be with You* INVITATION