Saturday, November 6, 2021

November 7, 2021 worship online and in the sanctuary

 Hello Friends-

This Sunday, November 7, Gentle Faith will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 10 am and Worship will be in the Sanctuary and on Zoom at 11 am.
Worship Bulletin is attached and Zoom info is below.
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 860 1615 9653Passcode: 523039
If you want to participate in Gentle Faith via Zoom, let me know....we can sign in by 10 am.
For Gentle Faith, we are discerning how God is calling us (as a congregation, community, small group, and/or individually) to address Racism towards Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) - sisters and brothers, created in God's image, who have been marginalized for centuries. 
Here are words from Pope Francis:
In his encyclical Laudato Si’, Pope Francis emphasized solidarity with the poor and marginalized as part of our faith vocation to pursue the common good:

In the present condition of global society, where injustices abound and growing numbers of people are deprived of basic human rights and considered expendable, the principle of the common good immediately becomes, logically and inevitably, a summons to solidarity and a preferential option for the poorest of our brothers and sisters. This option entails recognizing the implications of the universal destination of the world’s goods, but . . . it demands before all else an appreciation of the immense dignity of the poor in the light of our deepest convictions as believers. [1]

[1] Pope Francis, Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home, encyclical, May 24, 2015, paragraph 158.